The Fundamental Case, a Phonemic Development Workshop, July 29, 2025 | funlearn
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The Fundamental Case, a Phonemic Development Workshop, July 29, 2025

The Fundamental Case, a Phonemic Development Workshop, July 29, 2025

9 a.m. – 4 p.m.


Cost: $325.00 + material tax

($175.00 tuition + $150 materials)

$50 deposit required


.5 graduate credit available 

through Friends University 

for an additional $42.50


Building a “Sound” Case for Language. This one-day workshop is designed with solid research, establishing 8 sequential steps related to the development of phonological awareness. The focus of this instruction is young children ages 3-6, but this course also is appropriate for any child who struggles to hear sounds and language. Literacy-themed, this workshop provides 86 lessons and book suggestions.


Tuition is $175 + an additional materials fee of $150 (plus tax) will be charged upon arrival to Fundamental Learning Center. Materials will be provided at that time.



    Excluding Sales Tax
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