Gretchen and Jeanine, the Founders of Fundamental Learning Center, had no other choice but to do the work themselves. Their kiddos were struggling and nobody could help them.
There were anxiety attacks, tummy-ache calls from the nurse, and a lot of frustration and saddess.
After years of back-and-forth, it was clear was the only option was to do it themselves. Jeanine spent six years spending three weeks in Dallas, three weeks in Wichita so she could get the best possible training for her son, Cooper.
She didn't want any other parent to feel the way she did for so long - all kids deserve to get the help they need. So, in 2000 Fundamental Learning Center was created and the impact began.
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are their strengths.
Their gifts
Identify your child's super powers
Individuals with dyslexia might struggle with reading, writing and spelling, but they exchange these difficulties for strengths in other areas. Dyslexic individuals are extremely creative and can have gifts in cognitive and emotional areas, according to the Yale Center for Dyslexia and Creativity. At Phillips Fundamental Learning Center, we call these strengths super powers.
Some of the areas dyslexic people excel in can include science, problem solving, empathy, art, visual-spatial abilities and more. While we can teach dyslexic people to read, we cannot teach these gifts that dyslexic individuals are given at birth. We love to help dyslexic children discover their super powers! We do this by helping them self-identify their strengths and encouraging them to pursue them.
Identifying dyslexic children’s super powers can give them the confidence they need to forge ahead in school and reach their loftiest dreams.