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With the right instructional tools you can help children, learn to read – especially those with dyslexia.

It's a lifetime calling.

1 in 5 children has dyslexia and 72% of Kansas 4th graders are not reading at a proficient level according to 2024 NAEP scores. And 69% of National students are falling below reading proficiency.


The need for Science of Reading, Structured Literacy Instruction is at an all time high. We have the right tools.  We know how the brain learns to read. 


Time is of the essence and we all must begin NOW.

Contact PFLC if you are a teacher, education major, parent, grandparent or anyone else interested in becoming part of our expanding network of Certified Academic Language Therapists (CALT) and Literacy Intervention Specialists (Alphabetic Phonics – Cox) who are making a difference in children's lives.


Struggling readers across the nation need YOU!

Become a Literacy Intervention Specialist (Alphabetic Phonics–Cox)

Friends University and Phillips Fundamental Learning Center (PFLC) have joined forces to prepare educators to teach those with reading difficulties. Our joint partnership allows teachers pursuing their Master of Education at Friends University to apply their elective hours toward the Dyslexia and Literacy Interventionist Concentration. Specific graduate credit courses are offered through PFLC.


Every school needs a Literacy Intervention Specialist

grounded in Alphabetic Phonics techniques.


Will you be the one who makes an impact on the success of your students?


The skill of reading requires matching letters to sounds, sounds to words, and words to expression. A jumble of sounds and symbols can become a smooth path to reading if dyslexic individuals are given the proper instruction – like that found in our Dyslexia Literacy Language Program - Alphabetic Phonics (Cox) certified by ALTA for teachers and parents.

CLICK HERE Literacy Intervention Specialist Training Programs - Alphabetic Phonics (Cox) 2025

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As a parent you will find a Literacy Intervention Specialist to be a higher level of effective help than is "tutoring."

A question parents often ask us is, “What makes your reading program different?”


We often recommend our Dyslexia Literacy Langauge Program (Alphabetic Phonics – Cox) to parents who want help for a child with dyslexia.


Literacy Intervention Specialist Training is an ungraded, multisensory curriculum, based on research evidence from the Science of Reading studies.


The course teaches the structure of the English language.


This phonetic program teaches reading, handwriting, spelling, verbal and written expression and comprehension by simultaneously engaging the visual, auditory and kinesthetic modalities for a student.


The course is an intervention or remediation program that is prescriptive, focusing on each individual student's needs.


This differs from traditional tutoring programs, which often are scripted the same for every child.


Literacy Intervention can be taught to individuals or small groups of any age.


Each daily, one-hour session is structured to alternate modalities by including 10 different activities: alphabet, review of letters, review of sounds, multisensory introduction of a new letter, reading, cursive handwriting, spelling, verbal expression, review and listening.


Research validates that our Literacy Intervention Specialist methods (Alphabetic Phonics) work for many students who struggle to read if administered systematically and explicitly.


At the Andeel Teacher Literacy Institute at Phillips Fundamental Learning Center, our Qualified Instructors (certified by ALTA) teach adult learners the Structured Literacy Intervention Specialist curriculum.


We certify these trainees to become Literacy Intervention Specialists and Certified Academic Language Therapists after meeting a number of requirements, including student contact hours and observations.


When parents arrive at the center looking for answers about how to help their children improve at reading, we give them several options.


One of these options is networking them with one of our trained professionals so they are able to set up private tutoring sessions. Another option for some parents is taking our Literacy Intervention Specialist courses featuring Alphabetic Phonics methods themselves.

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Dyslexia Handbook:

Requirements for


Structured Literacy Intervention




A seven year old boy struggles to make sense of words on the page. But when Mike is diagnosed with dyslexia and the teachers continue to fail him, his mother takes matters into her own hands to help her son fulfill his true potential.

A Structured Literacy Intervention Specialist teaches the sounds needed to read, write and spell letter and word combinations in the English language.

44 Phonemes video instruction:

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