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Click on the map.
Then click on the email for your district
and help At-Risk children with dyslexia in Kansas.

2025 KSDE District Contact Map (1).png

Dear Friend of PFLC, 


Please assist us in an effort to make a major change for the children of Kansas.


The Problem:

On Wednesday, January 15, a new "Approved for State At-Risk Programs" list was presented to the Kansas State Board of Education.


None of the programs from Phillips Fundamental Learning Center (PFLC) are on this At-Risk list. 

This needs to change with immediate effect. 


Why this is important:

An Approved At-Risk listing means that PFLC programs will be available for students in Kansas school districts AND eligible for At-Risk Funding.

This means:

    • Deserving students who otherwise will get NO dyslexia intervention will be able to receive it within their school setting at NO cost. 

    • School districts will be able to send teachers to PFLC training and purchase necessary materials using At-Risk Funds.  


How you can help: 

    1. Write to your state board member.

         If  your child has received services from Fundamental Learning Center or Alphabetic Phonics (Cox): email your Kansas School Board representative and share how you and your child have benefited from our Alphabetic Phonics based programs. 

       If your child is in need (or was in the past) of intervention services, write to your state school board representative to explain how having the services available in your school would benefit your child. 

   2. Find your Board Member on the map and email the link by their name in the attachment. 

   3. Ask that these PFLC programs be added to the At-Risk list:


          Structured Literacy Intervention Specialists Programs - Alphabetic Phonics (Cox)

          •    Dyslexia Literacy Language System

          •    Structured Literacy Essentials

          •    The Sound Case™

          •    The Grammar Case™

          •    The Fundamental Case™

          •    Esperanza/Wells (bilingual program)

    4. Join our 3 Degrees of Influence Campaign by forwarding this request to three individuals within your sphere of influence (your family members, student(s), parents or colleagues). 

    5. Allow us to use your email or letter contents as testimony for the legislature by including cc (or blind cc)

    6. Please, do all of the above as soon as you can, preferably by the end of January.  

Additional Notes: 


Your email or letter need not be long. One or two paragraphs will show your support. 

Include photos or attachments of progress if possible. 


If your board member is Cathy Hopkins, please include a thank you for speaking up and supporting PFLC during the meeting on January 14th. 


Our goal is for each Kansas State Board of Education board member to receive no less than 1,000 letters. 

Have questions? Email


As a nonprofit, PFLC exists only with ongoing support from our beloved community. We are grateful for your heart, work and partnership as together we work to see all kids reading, all kids succeeding. 


Warm Regards, 

Your PFLC Family

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