Gretchen and Jeanine, the Founders of Fundamental Learning Center, had no other choice but to do the work themselves. Their kiddos were struggling and nobody could help them.
There were anxiety attacks, tummy-ache calls from the nurse, and a lot of frustration and saddess.
After years of back-and-forth, it was clear was the only option was to do it themselves. Jeanine spent six years spending three weeks in Dallas, three weeks in Wichita so she could get the best possible training for her son, Cooper.
She didn't want any other parent to feel the way she did for so long - all kids deserve to get the help they need. So, in 2000 Fundamental Learning Center was created and the impact began.
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Billie Vliet Scholarship Fund​
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Billie Vliet Scholarship Fund​
This is the place
where kids with dyslexia
read and succeed.
Come inside and also find a school for teachers and parents who need to learn how to teach struggling readers to read, write, comprehend and spell well.
You know one – a child who struggles to grasp letters and numbers. Now you need answers.
You've also found the right place for help. Only here, out of an entire four state area, will you find answers to make a bright future for a child who struggles to learn to read. Welcome to Phillips Fundamental Learning Center. And a sigh of relief.
Assess, evaluate, train and teach. That's what we do. We help teach children to read with evidence-based curricula, lessons and classroom-tested instruction that clicks with your child's learning style. And our answers meet the Kansas Legislative Task Force on Dyslexia's recommendations for child and teacher alike.
We are a privately funded 501(c)3, educational not-for-profit which serves children having reading, writing, and spelling difficulties which includes children with dyslexia.
Our mission specifically addresses the importance of teaching children to read using structured literacy instruction as well as educating parents, teachers and the community.
A report by KSN-TV in Wichita, Kansas explains more:
Take a tour of our new building. Click above.
The skill of reading requires matching letters to sounds, sounds to words, and words to expression. A jumble of sounds and symbols can become a smooth path to reading if dyslexic individuals are given the proper instruction – like that found in The Sound Case or our Structure Literacy Intervention Training certified by ALTA for teachers and parents.
Contact us now. We can help.
PHILLIPS Fundamental Learning Center Mission Statement
Phillips Fundamental Learning Center empowers children, especially those with dyslexia, by teaching them to read, write and spell; educates adults by providing research-based literacy programs for children; and enlightens parents and the broader community to the educational and health needs of their children.